
Buried in bored

I'm bored
I'm Bored
I'M bored
Till the MAX


Am so gonna miss u guys much...
Take care..
n keep in touch T.T
U guys are the best out of the best


I'm currently facing problem uploading photos into blogspot. =_______________=
But it will not stop me from updating my post ><
We'll. let's talk about my birthday. What I can say is I had a wonderful birthday.
The BEST birthday EVER I meant !
I was really touched by all the stuff my college friends did, especially Nikki, Mia n Levan.
Let's start from Thursday. It was April Fool's day. Nikki asked me to wait for her call in the middle of night to discuss about Darren's birthday. Initially I thought it was a April Fool's trick, mana tau, she sounded serious, so I said ok.
Unfortunately, I fall asleep while I was waiting for her call. Sharp 12a.m, my friends started to call n wish. Nikki was the 3rd caller. She told me she was outside my hs, I thought she was just bullshitting, but it was real. She n Levan was standing in front of my gate !!! N both of them were holding a muffin which is made by LEVAN !
I was stunned at that moment. Touched of coz. None of my friend did this before. I was really touched.
The next day, my birthday.
Nikki lied to me that she lost her black diary n she wanted me to accompany her to cafeteria to check out. After everything, we headed back to the class.
It was all dark and a door was locked. When I entered, cake was ready. I cried after seeing all these. I'm really really touched till now.
That was touched number 2.
After that, they showed me a slide. Is all about me !!! That was touched number 3 !!!
Slide was prepared by MIA !! good job my fren !
Nikki passed me a Huge Birthday Card. Photos are pasted all over the black board. I can see the hard work of doing it.
And I can say it's not easy to make this card. Thx to NIKKI !
And all of them bought me a Acoustic Pluck-in guitar !!!
Oh my god.. I was TOUCHED by them !
Totally touched touched touched !!
Nikki and Mia was the planner. I really love u guys. U guys are the best !!! of coz not forgetting
my sugar babe LEVANRAJ and my pretty boy DARREN !! U guys are the best too ><